среда, 23 мая 2012 г.

Illegal Internet Investment Scheme

Illegal Internet Investment Scheme is a variation of illegal deposit taking activities which employs the use of internet (e.g: through emails and websites) as a primary channel for interaction, communication and transaction of business engaged in fund management and investment advice without any licence.
Illegal investment schemes are those companies or individuals that are dealing in securities, trading in future contracts, and providing fund management services and investment advice and related to securities or futures without being licensed by the Securities Commission under the Capital Markets & Services Act 2007
In addition, fund managers are required to hold a fund manager's licence under Section 15C of the Securities Industry Act 1983. 

What are the characteristics?

With the Internet becoming a common part of daily life, it should be no surprise that fraudsters have made cyberspace a prime hunting ground for new victims.
The Internet has made it simple for fraudsters to reach out to millions of potential victims at minimal cost.
Many of the online scams we see today are merely modified versions of old schemes that have been used to fleece offline investors for years.

How it's done?

  • Operators of illegal internet investment schemes lure unsuspecting victims to make on-line investments or receive investment advice online, by offering investment opportunities above a market rate of return and will claim that their schemes are at zero or very low risk.

  • When questioned, most illegal operators will either claim to be foreign operators that do not require licenses from Malaysian regulators to operate their business, or claim that they already have the appropriate license from relevant authorities/regulators.

  • Unsuspecting victims of these schemes would be enticed as operators will pay them high returns at the initial stage and this is used as a tactic to lure and recruit new investors.

  • The survival of this scheme is dependent upon the recruitment of new depositors, i.e., funds obtained from new depositors will be used in paying dividends to the existing depositors. Therefore, the scheme will fail when there is no contribution of funds from new depositors; and

  • However, the operator will eventually abscond with deposits collected when he feels that the scheme is about to fail, thus leaving the depositors at the losing end. 

  • These operators are not licensed to receive deposits by Bank Negara Malaysia or licensed to offer investment advice from the Securities Commission related to fund management, securities and futures.

How to Protect Yourself?

  • Remember the golden rule - if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably a lie;
  • Deal only with licensed financial institutions and authorised dealers;
  • Check with the relevant authorities before investing/ depositing;
  • Don't be pressured or rushed to invest;
  • Be extra careful with investments over the internet;
  • Be sceptical of any investment opportunity that is not in writing; and
  • In case an investment has been made, keep copies of all the investment and communications

Internet investment's

THEY may not have the name recognition of a Google or a Yahoo!, but they can claim to belong in the same league. The websites of Digital Sky Technologies (DST) account for more than 70% of page-views on the Russian-language internet. Naspers is Africa’s biggest media group, both offline and online. And Tencent is China’s largest internet company by market capitalisation—and the third-largest in the world.
Now these firms are increasingly making their presence felt beyond their home markets. Between them they have invested in dozens of internet firms around the globe. The most adventurous of the three, DST, has already moved west—and paid top dollar for stakes in fast-growing American companies, notably Facebook, the world’s biggest social network.
At first glance the three firms could not look more different. DST was created in 2005 when two Russian internet investors, Yuri Milner and Gregory Finger, pooled their interests in mail.ru, a Russian web portal. Today the firm controls many of the country’s leading websites and boasts an interesting mix of owners, including Goldman Sachs and Alisher Usmanov, a Russian billionaire, who holds 27%.
Based in Cape Town, Naspers is nearly 100 years old and is the publisher of the Daily Sun, South Africa’s biggest newspaper. But it is one of the most ambitious old-media companies anywhere in its move online. It still makes most of its sales—28 billion rand ($3.6 billion) in the year to March—from print and pay-television, but it uses the cash to buy online firms.
Tencent hails from Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. Founded in 1998, it had revenues of $1.8 billion in 2009. Although best known for QQ, a popular instant-messaging service with 567m users, much of its profits come from online games and a virtual currency, called Q coins. Users purchase this with real money and use it to buy digital wares, such as virtual weapons to increase the powers of their avatars.

Despite their differences, the three firms can be seen as a block. For one thing, they are financially intertwined. Naspers owns part of mail.ru and was an early investor in Tencent, of which it now holds 35%. In April Tencent invested $300m in DST, giving it a stake of more than 10% and DST a valuation of about $3 billion. Tencent also has an interest in the Indian arm of MIH, Naspers’s internet division.
What is more, the firms are on the same mission: finding promising internet companies in countries where Western investors rarely dare to go. DST’s territories are Russia and its neighbours, most of which are home to one of its collection of companies; these include social networks such as VKontakte.ru and Nasza-Klasa.pl. Naspers has the largest portfolio of internet firms in developing countries, for instance in Brazil (BuscaPé, a comparison-shopping site), India (ibibo, a social network) and at home in South Africa (24.com, a portal). Tencent has so far been the most cautious of the three. Besides its recent investment in DST it has some minority stakes in games companies, such as VinaGame in Vietnam.
This international presence allows the firms to apply lessons they have learned in one country to another. “We spend an enormous amount of time on sharing knowledge,” says Antoine Roux, the boss of MIH. For its part, DST knows which web businesses work and how much room for growth they still have, given a country’s GDP and internet penetration. Alexander Tamas, a partner at DST, calls this “geographical arbitrage”.
In Russia DST has seen how quickly social networks can grow: latecomers to the internet, many Russians skipped e-mail and went right to social networks to communicate online. With advertising roubles in short supply, DST’s companies also experimented early with other ways of making money from social networks and online games, such as charging for services and selling virtual goods. In December it merged mail.ru with Astrum Online, a gaming firm—in effect forming a Russian Tencent. Free communication tools such as instant messaging create the audience that then pays for other services and virtual goods, Mr Tamas explains.
                                                         Tomorrow, the world

It was only a question of time before one of the three firms tried to apply these emerging-market lessons in the West. DST has been the pioneer, for several reasons. Its partners learned their trade in America. It intends to go public one day. And it saw an opportunity: after the financial crisis, conventional investors were cautious and did not fully realise how fast social networks, for instance, would grow.
One further factor was essential in helping DST to gatecrash the party of the handful of private-equity funds, such as Elevation Partners, TCV and Silver Lake Partners, which typically provide successful American internet firms with additional cash. DST’s corporate structure allows it to act quickly, and to make offers that are hard to refuse. In the case of Facebook, it agreed to what at the time seemed a high valuation, waived any right to special treatment should things go wrong and was willing to buy stock from employees. That is especially popular with young internet firms. It allows founders and key employees to make money without having to sell the company or go public prematurely. “This is an IPO substitute,” explains Mr Milner, adding that DST’s investments give firms more time to focus on their product rather than thinking about a flotation.
Will DST’s strategy work? Buying into Facebook certainly looks like a smart move. DST has spent an estimated $800m for a stake of about 10%. When Elevation Partners recently invested $120m in Facebook, that deal put the company’s value at $23 billion, implying that DST’s investment has almost trebled.
In contrast, analysts say, DST may have overpaid for Zynga, the world’s largest online-gaming service, and for Groupon, a website that aggregates buyers and gets them special deals. Yet sceptics may again underestimate how quickly both can grow and what Zynga, for instance, is worth in combination with Facebook: taken together they look much like Tencent. In May, after lengthy negotiations, both firms agreed that Facebook Credits, the social network’s currency, would be accepted in Zynga’s games.
A bigger problem for DST may be that some see it as Russian—and thus “murky”. To counter this the firm has gone to great lengths to be open, inviting executives from firms in which it wanted to invest to Moscow to look at its books. The success of this strategy is demonstrated by the quality of its recent deals and its co-investors, which include such noted venture-capital firms as Accel Partners and Andreessen Horowitz. Even so, DST’s national origin could still matter as the firm makes further investments. Authorities in Washington, dc, are reportedly worried about DST’s latest acquisition: ICQ, an instant-messaging service previously owned by AOL.
However DST fares, it seems to attract copycats. Before Elevation Partners invested in Facebook, it had already cut what is now called a “DST deal” with Yelp, a fast-growing user-review site for local businesses. And although Naspers does not intend to make any investments in Western countries, Tencent may follow DST in doing so. Martin Lau, Tencent’s president, recently said it would step up its forays abroad—which has led to talk that it may be interested in buying Yahoo!.
Conversely, the apparent success of the three emerging-market internet pioneers may prompt Western venture firms to take more interest in developing countries. Tiger Global Management, a New York hedge fund that is also a shareholder in DST, has already specialised in investing in start-ups beyond the West’s well-known technology clusters. Clearly, internet investing is going global and the West is losing its monopoly, not just in thinking up clever ideas for web businesses but in financing them.

четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

How to Invest Properly

Selecting investments is a lot like trying on clothes: What fits you really well might not look good on someone else. Some people take a conservative, traditional approach to what they wear -- and what they invest in. Others go with what is new and trendy -- the hottest clothes and the hottest stocks. When building an investment portfolio, you need to consider your stage of life, your financial objectives and your willingness to accept risk.

Step 1

Decide how much time you want to commit to investing. If you want to pick individual stocks by reviewing publications such as the Value Line Investment Survey, which includes rankings of 1,700 stocks, you will have to devote the time it takes to study potential investments. If you don’t have the time or interest in learning about stock selection, let the professionals do it for you by investing in mutual funds. These are funds with groups of stocks and bonds, and numerous types of funds are available to fit aggressive or conservative investors’ needs.

Step 2

Diversify your investments. It’s never a good idea to put all your investment capital into one or two stocks. Spreading your money over a half-dozen or more stocks or mutual funds can help limit your risk. One stock performing particularly well can mitigate the effect of another one that is dropping in price.

Step 3

Decide on an asset allocation model. It is considered prudent to own a mix of stocks and bonds and to keep a portion of your funds in cash should you need to use some of the money. A standard model is to subtract your age from 100 to determine the percentage of funds to hold in stocks. For example, a 25-year-old would have a portfolio 75 percent invested in stocks. Another traditional model is to have 55 percent in stocks, 35 percent in bonds and the remainder in cash.

Step 4

Consider your attitude toward risk. Decide whether you can accept the possibility of losing a significant portion of your investment if the stock market severely declines. If risks like these make you uncomfortable, build a risk-averse portfolio with stocks of large, stable companies, along with quality bonds and some risk-free investments, such as a savings account.

Step 5

Resist the urge to jump into the stock market with all the cash you have accumulated. Try a dollar-cost averaging strategy, investing the same dollar amount each month or quarter. This method allows new investors to become patient, long-term investors through good markets and bad rather than trying to time the swings in the market, which is difficult to do.

Step 6

Review your investments and investment strategies at least twice a year. Being a long-term investor doesn’t mean you simply buy stocks and ignore them. Sometimes, it's best to sell a stock or mutual fund that is performing poorly and redeploy the capital in a better one.